Morning Walks

I have been building new habits, slowly, one at a time over the past few years. The effect of those good habits have been very positive and I know that I want to keep those habits for life. I consider them my pillars and are the following: healthy eating, regular work out, and sleep. A lot of sleep.

Now that those habits are anchored, I am moving to the next one: going for a walk every day, if possible in the morning.

Why? I can stay at home the whole day and that doesn’t bother me. I work from home and spend hours on my work chair without moving much. Even if I work out almost daily, a 20min to one hour session cannot compensate for sitting most of the day. I am trying to integrate more movement during my day and going for a morning walk is one of the strategy I want to try.

Habits are build over long periods of time. This will not be a 30 day challenge but a goal for 2023 and hopefully for years. I will regularly give updates on how that challenge is going for me.

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